BRYAN, Texas — Every Christmas the Salvation Army bring smiles to children in the Brazos Valley as they receive toys for the holiday. This year, nearly 900 families will be collecting gifts.
As many might have seen around town in places like the Post Oak Mall, Angel Trees began popping up. These trees were adorned with the faces of children who needed extra help this Christmas, and their wish list was on the back of the ornament.
To participate you simply pick an Angel Child from the tree, shop for some or all of the toys listed, and return it to boxes marked for toy collection. This year, the Salvation Army was able to help every family that participated.
“I’m happy to say that every angel has been adopted and spoken for and taken care of because of the generosity of our community," said Salvation Army Capt. Paul Ryerson. "This is something that is just exciting to see every year, that each kid was taken care of.”
Angel tree is a process that takes a couple months. Families in need around the community can sign up to interview with Salvation Army personnel in September.
“Then after that, their children become angels, get placed on a tag throughout the whole city of various Angel Trees around time and then the families can adopt these angels and they go and shop Christmas for them," said Ryerson. "They bring them back to the table and then they end up in this warehouse.”
The Angel Tree Warehouse: A Tour
This year, the Salvation Army of Brazos County will be giving out 2,168 gift bags to children on the Angel Tree. Each bag has numbered label that identifies a specific family, so no mix ups happen.
“Because of that unique number that’s on the angel tree tag, we at the Salvation Army can then make sure that the exact child will receive those exact gifts or toys that you shop for," said Ryerson. "So if you’re shopping for 'Elizabeth', 'Elizabeth' will get those exact toys.”
Members of the community were invited to an open tour of the warehouse to learn more about the angel tree program.
“A great way to participate next year is just to keep an eye out for when an angel tree shows up at the post oak mall, come on over and just grab one of those angels off the tree, and just go on and experience the joy of providing Christmas for a child that’s in need in the local community," said Ryerson.
Children from newborn to 12-years-old can become an angel on the tree.