BRYAN, Texas — Bonham Elementary School students received a stellar surprise from former astronaut Ed Lu.
Mr. Lu spoke to 2nd through 4th graders at Bonham and answered all their questions about the cosmic world. Lu flew on two shuttle missions and also spent six months in space with Yuri Malenchenko as a part of ISS Expedition 7.
“As part of our annual meeting, we always do something called community day. Where everybody, astronauts, cosmonauts go out to schools in the area to speak to students of all ages as part of our way of giving back,” said Mr. Lu
Lu is part of the Association of Space Explorers that teaches students about space exploration across the country.
He wants to remind students that life has funny plans for each and every one of them.
“The advice I give to all students and to our kids is to really follow your dreams, figure out what you want to do, whatever that may be and you know it doesn’t have to be flying in space, anything you want. But just find something and try and get good at it and you know, you never know where that’s going to take you,” said Lu.
Hopefully it will be a place where these students will have a bright future.