COLLEGE STATION, Texas — Traveling by airplane may still be a taboo for many, but with more people leaving and entering different states, the laws for post travel self quarantine are changing.
The CDC recently removed the requirement to quarantine for 14 days after traveling. Instead, they advise you take the same precautions you are practicing in your everyday life against coronavirus. One local expert says flying is actually a very safe way to travel right now compared to other methods of transportation.
In an airplane, the air moves from the top of the plane to the bottom.
“You think about it from a physics standpoint, the [aerosol] particles that you’re looking at [are] really small...It doesn’t take a lot to get them to move directions you want them to move..." said Texas A&M School of Public Health's Dr. Adam Pickens. [Airplanes] are moving air exchanges per couple minutes, which you’re never going to get that in a building. So actually, the top down movement and the filtration they use on airplanes is really very beneficial."
Dr. Pickens says there are very few facilities that have the same level of safety regarding moving air as in planes. Despite the strong air flow system, it is still important to wear a mask and sanitize on the plane.
“The less you are putting out into the environment, the better it is for people around you. Put less out there for the people around you," said Dr. Pickens.
For more precautions related to traveling and information on how you should be traveling, you can visit the CDC's website HERE.