BRYAN, Texas — There are runoff elections for both parties in several counties in the Brazos Valley.
If you’re a voter in Waller, Grimes or Washington Counties, listen up!
Republicans in those counties are able vote for the justice 1st court of appeals place five seat between James Lombardino and Terry Adams.
Those in Waller County also get to vote on their sheriff’s seat, between Glenn Smith and Troy Guidry.
In Brazos County, Republicans have another choice: the County Commissioner Precinct 1 seat.
Republican and Democratic voters in Brazos County can vote for their U.S. House Representative District 17 seat pick.
It’s between two folks in each party.
Brazos Valley Democrats have a few more decisions to make though.
In Waller, Walker, Brazos, Grimes and Washington Counties, Democrats will see choices for U.S. senator and railroad commissioner seats.
Democrats in Waller, Grimes and Washington counties will also need to choose their pick for the Justice 14th Court of Appeals District, Place 7 seat.
In Waller and Washington Counties, the U.S. Representative for District 10 seat is up for grabs, and you’ll see it on the democratic ballot.
Before you go to the polls, make sure you bring a valid form of I.D.
That can be a voter I.D. card, Texas drivers license, or passport.
You can find out where to vote and get a look at sample ballots for each county in our runoff elections story HERE.
You can find some examples of how local officials are keeping voters safe during this time here.
To follow the race results, just click on our special elections page!