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Opposing rallies for Israel and Palestine held at Texas A&M University

Both rallies saw dozens of supporters who marched on Military Walk and spoke with students and staff on campus about their efforts.

COLLEGE STATION, Texas — Opposing rallies took place at Texas A&M University on Thursday. Supporters for Palestine gathered at the Academic Plaza at 10:30 a.m., while supporters of Israel rallied at 5:30 p.m. at Rudder Plaza. Both saw dozens of people show up to support their respective causes. 

Eliana Ho, among other Jewish students, gathered at the Palestine rally prior to their walk later that evening. The group displayed signs that shared phrases like "Long Live Israel" and "These People Support Terrorists." 

Ho said she still has many family members, most notably her grandmother, who are still in the middle of the conflict in Israel.

"I have experienced several wars in Israel, personally. Running from bombs, running to the bomb shelter, all that. This one is nothing like we've ever seen before," said Ho.

She said since she's raised awareness about the conflict with other Jewish students, she's received many hateful comments from those online. Some of the comments even raised to the level of violence.

"They wish the Holocaust happened or they think we're the Nazis in a sense...They wish upon babies to be beheaded. They wish for Jewish blood," said Ho.

Adam Fahmi and Mohamed Hassan led the rally for Palestine at A&M on Thursday afternoon. Hassan said that their side has not received the equal representation that those in Israel have received during the conflict. He said that he also has those close to him who are struggling overseas.

"Since Gaza is in a full blockade, there's no water, no food, no electricity, I have some friends who still live there and they're living every day in a constant status of fear," said Hassan.

The conflict remains ongoing as many lives continue to be lost in the Israel-Gaza area.

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