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SARC set to lose $260,000 in funding due to federal and state budget cuts

Due to the pandemic, SARC's federal and state grants will no longer be funded.

BRYAN, Texas — This week, the Sexual Assault Resource Center in Brazos County received word that they were losing over $260,000 worth of funding from both the federal government and the state.

Lindsey LeBlanc, the Executive Director of the organization, said this is a 35% cut to the group’s budget that is allocated to services for their clients.

"We're making cuts to where we can to reduce our expenses and just challenging and pushing ourselves to get creative.," Leblanc said. "We don't want survivors to be turned away. Unfortunately, this type of a funding cut will leave us with that if we don't raise the funds outside in the community."

The center provides support to both primary and secondary survivors of sexual assault. A primary survivor is classified as those who have experienced sexual assault firsthand, and secondary survivors are those that are close to the victims.

To help offset the loss, the organization is now calling on residents and other groups in the Brazos Valley to donate to the organization so that they are better able to care for survivors and not be forced to cut back on programs.

"I believe that we can get through this, and I believe that our community is great and that they will step up when we ask. So I'm very hopeful that we will raise the funds that we need," LeBlanc said.

The organization will also be hosting an “Evening Under the Stars” later this year to help raise money. For those that would like to attend, you can click here.

RELATED: SARC: More than 50 sexual assault survivors waiting for services in the Brazos Valley

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