COLLEGE STATION, Texas — The Kiwanis Club of College Station, whose motto is "serving the children of the world" will be serving pancakes to the Bryan/College Station community at the Brazos Center.
For $7.00 per adult and $4.00 per child (age 3-12), you can make a difference while devouring pancakes,sausage, juice, milk, and coffee. Did we mention the pancakes are all-you-can-eat?
Some of the proceeds from this event will go towards a "fun for all" playground at Stephen C. Beachy Central Park.
The Kiwanis Club of College Station, Texas is the oldest service group in Brazos County. Kiwanis was the first civic club to focus on problems of College Station, and its organization was prompted by the feeling of need for an organization through which interested men could work together for community improvement.
College Station Kiwanis Club is about “fine fellowship, staying informed about community activities, and being of service in the community, especially to the children.”