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Texas Commission on Jail Standards issues notice of non-compliance to Burleson County Jail

One of the standards violated was for proper administration of medicine, while another was for lacking in face-to-face interactions with the inmates.

BURLESON COUNTY, Texas — The Burleson County Jail has been issued a notice of non-compliance for two standards that the Texas Commission on Jail Standards (TCJS) says the jail violated after an inmate death.

While details on the inmate death were not provided in the notice, which was issued on Tuesday, Aug. 27, it noted two specific standards that the jail violated: one in reference to proper administration of medicine to inmates, and another in reference to the number of face-to-face observations jailers make with the inmates.

"A review of Medication Administration Records (MARs) conducted after a custodial death revealed that a medication which was supposed to be given twice daily was only given once daily and another medication that was supposed to be given once nightly was not given at all," the notice said about one of the standards violated.

The second standard the jail was found not to be compliant with was in regard to regular face-to-face inmate check-ups. While observations need to be performed every hour for all inmates and every half hour by some others with violent tendencies, mental illnesses, or inmates with "bizarre behavior," there is also a required number of rounds that jail staff need to make in order to be fully compliant with the TCJS standards, which the commission found the jail was not in compliance with.

"A review of video conducted after a custodial death revealed that while rounds were conducted as mandated by minimum jail standards, five rounds were not conducted face-to-face as required."

You can read the full notice here on the Texas Commission on Jail Standards website.


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