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The Sexual Assualt Resource Center to host annual "Evening Under the Stars" Gala

The organization is looking to raise funds that were impacted due to budget cuts
Credit: Elisabeth Tharp

BRYAN, Texas — The Sexual Assault Resource Center is hosting its annual “Evening Under the Stars” Gala this Friday, October 8 to bring the community together to join the fight against sexual violence.

Due to its recent annual budget being cut 35%, or more than $260,000, Executive Director of SARC Lindsey LeBlanc said this year's fundraiser is even more important than years past.

“Normally we need it, of course, as every agency does, but this year we need the community to rally around us and, you know, kind of go big or go home is my motto right now,” LeBlanc said, “the event is really important to us furthering what we do and continuing to serve survivors.”

When she first heard of the organization’s annual budget being cut, LeBlanc said it was defeating.

“Our budget is already lean,” LeBlanc said, “We're a fairly small organization and we run dependent on our staff to provide the services directly to survivors so we have about half of our staff is counseling, and those counselors provide group and individual counseling services to primary and secondary survivors of sexual assault, and it's our probably our most important work that we do all of our programs are amazing but counseling is how that healing happens for survivors and where that healing really happens.”

When the budget cut became real, LeBlanc said that was when she stepped back and asked the question: how do we continue serving every single survivor that comes through our door with 35% fewer buttons?

“That's why our event this year, we want to fill all those seats, we want to have everybody there for a great time,” LeBlanc said, “we've got a silent auction and we're launching our first-ever live auction so it's a great way for people to have fun come out to enjoy a dinner.”

If you’d like to talk with a professional, you're not alone. Call the Sexual Assault Resource Center's 24/7 free and confidential phone line at (979)731-1000.

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