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Representative John Raney looks ahead to the special session of congress

The state legislature is set to meet Thursday.

AUSTIN, Texas — Governor Greg Abbott has announced the agenda for a special legislative session that begins tomorrow, July 8th.

Governor Abbott’s special session includes 13 different pieces of legislation, like senate bill 7, which some say strengthens the integrity of elections in Texas and others say it’s suppressing voters.

“I don’t like that word and I don’t particularly like the word integrity either. I think what we want to know primarily is that those who are voting are those who are supposed to vote and not someone else,” Representative John Raney said.

Another controversial topic of discussion will be on legislation concerning critical race theory.

Representative Raney says it’s something he’s very concerned about. He adds he knows about our nation’s bad history and he’s not trying to cover those things up.

“Let’s look at things that are positive and think about how we can come together and try to get along with one another than try to divide,” he said.

The state will also address the censorship of social media companies. Representative Raney said maybe they need to be regulated like television and radio companies are. In his opinion, they don’t want to suppress other people’s views.

“Why we let one person do that is a curious thing to me.”

One piece that’s not on the agenda is legislation on the power grid. Representative Raney said the governor did talk to the public utility commission about the power grid and it’s solely in his hands as of right now.

“He’s responsible for everything that’s on this call, we don’t get to choose, so let’s let him handle it. I mean that’s all the choice we have,” Raney said.

The special session is set to begin at 10 A.M. and you can check our website throughout the day for updates.

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