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Herd of traveling goats helping clear vegetation in Navasota

The City of Navasota contracted with Rent-A-Ruminant Texas to help clear multiple areas alongside Cedar Creek through Aug. 2.

NAVASOTA, Texas — Release the goats! Rent-A-Ruminant Texas brought their herd to Navasota to lend a hand, or rather bite, to the city. Nearly 100 goats are hard at work helping clear the vegetation and brush in Cedar Creek. 

“Usually these areas can’t be accessed by mechanical machinery or humans with handheld tools," said Kyle Carr, a co-owner of Rent-A-Ruminant Texas.

Carr and the goats travel all across Texas year-round to do what they do best, eat. 

"For the most part they will graze all day and sometimes through the night," Carr said. "Especially with this hotter weather they will graze in the nighttime more so than in the day.” 

The City of Navasota contracted Rent-A-Ruminant Texas to help clear multiple areas of vegetation alongside Cedar Creek through Aug. 2. The city’s goal is to clear the bottom of the creek and head through downtown and some residential areas. 

“This was really the perfect application for us because it’s really inaccessible for people," Carr said. "It’s perfect for the goats who have 'four-hoof' drive and can go up and anywhere.” 

Carr said in every town he’s been through the goats always draw a crowd. 

"[People] will come by and bring their kids by and everyone will see the goats working," Carr said. "It's just great for everyone.” 

For those planning on visiting the goats over the next few weeks, Rent-A-Ruminant asks people to not touch the fence, feed the goats, or pet the goats. 

“We don’t want you to touch them because they’re eating poison ivy in this area and it will transfer onto you from the goats," Carr said.

However, Rent-A-Ruminant Texas invites anyone and everyone to come to check out the goats hard at work. 

“They get to see what it's like to have nature going up against nature, kind of like how it was designed," Carr said.

Livestock guardian dogs are also on the site to chase off any predators after the goats. 

As of Friday, 99 goats were at Cedar Creek. 50 more goats will arrive on Saturday.

Carr said the goats' next stop is Hearne. 

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