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Greenleaf Lane residents urge Brazos County for change

Greenleaf Lane Residents urge Brazos County commissioners to listen to their grievances and repair a roadway that has proven to be dangerous for residents.

BRAZOS COUNTY, Texas — Greenleaf Lane residents have been struggling with an unsafe roadway for many years now and their 60 residents are urging Brazos County to take accountability for the maintenance of a public road. 

"Currently the situation we’re in is that each time this road floods the neighbors get trapped back here and if you're lucky enough and your car is on the other side you can walk back and forth but if not, you're stuck and hopefully someone will carpool you. If there is a medical emergency you have very little access to EMS services,” explained Brian Cahill, a current Greenleaf Lane resident.  

However, residents haven't been given a definitive answer from the county on who is responsible for the upkeep of this road. 

“So we asked them to look into it and accurately located the edge of the property on the other side of the culvert crossing here. She then moved the county maintenance sign over there and told this is the county’s we’ll take care of it for you," explained Cahill. "Shortly after that, 3 weeks later, there was another water across the bridge issue, we pinged the county, and next thing we know is the county has moved their county maintenance sign to a new position all the way to the end of the road there.” 

Yesterday, Cahill and thirty other Greenleaf residents gave a two-minute presentation on the need for action during the commissioners court meeting, but were met with dismissal. 

“We had a great presentation, the responses I'm getting from our commissioners are they're still saying it’s a private road, they're still saying its not their responsibility, they're still saying they never accepted it,” said Cahill.

As the back-and-forth over the responsibilities of this road’s upkeep continue on, Greenleaf residents just want action to be taken.

“Our request to the commissioners is that they obey state law, they should fix this situation as we are the taxpayers, they are our representatives they are the ones who maintain roads,” said Cahill.

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