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Chester Jackson Jr’s lawyer calls on Burleson County and Caldwell to “follow the law”

The Jackson family attorney, said “fingers are now pointed in more directions, not a different direction."

AUSTIN, Texas —

An attorney representing Chester Jackson Jr along with Jackson’s family and friends held a press conference in front of  Cross Creek Hospital, where Jackson was administered sedatives and put in a “hold” before landing in intensive care, according to a 911 call first obtained by KAGS.

U.A. Lewis, the Jackson family attorney, said “fingers are now pointed in more directions, not a different direction,” and called on Burleson County and Caldwell to “follow the law.” 

Lewis alleged Burleson County failed to supervise it’s facility, which led to a violation of Jackson’s civil rights. 

In a video obtained by KAGS, a Caldwell officer appears to shove Jackson against a wall, causing him to hit his head on a metal toilet. Lewis said the officer used excessive force, a Fourth Amendment violation and questioned why her client did not receive medical assistance following the altercation. The attorney also said the Caldwell officers interacting with Jackson in the video were not certified jailers and “had no business being there.” 

The Texas Rangers have opened a criminal investigation into Jackson’s case, Lewis said. 

Jackson has left intensive care after a month-long stay and has been stabilized but is not yet talking, Lewis said. Jackson has a visible head wound on the outside of his head but an assessment of possible internal damage to his head has not yet been conducted.

Jackson was initially arrested on April 19th, 2019 for public intoxication, a Class C Misdemeanor. In body camera video of Jackson's arrest, a deputy identifying himself as a certified drug detection officer allegedly says he believes Jackson was on PCP at the time of his arrest. Lewis called this "pure speculation."

Jackson was transported to Cross Creek on April 21, two days after his arrest for public intoxication. In body camera video, Jackson is seen walking into the hospital. He screams “I’m not in custody. I don’t want to be here. Let me go."

When deputies left Jackson at 2:10pm on April 21, body cameras show he was walking into the facility with staff. The 911 call was made at 5:56pm the same day. Jackson arrived at St David Medical Center in Austin at 6:03pm that night, according to EMS records.

When deputies brought Jackson to Cross Creek, they were asked if Jackson was concussed and cooperative. The day before his transfer to the psychiatric hospital, April 20, Jackson was seemingly thrown to the ground in the Burleson County Jail by a Caldwell Police officer.

In body camera video of the incident, a Caldwell PD officer lets go of Jackson’s arm, causing him to fall to the floor. Jackson remains on the floor yelling up to the officers. Then, a different Caldwell officer comes from around the corner of the jail cell door and forcefully pushes Jackson against the wall, where he hits his head on the metal toilet.

An officer then says to Jackson, “you fell.”

An unnamed Caldwell Police officer was placed on administrative leave as a result of an investigation into the Chester Jackson case. Police officers are typically placed on leave during internal affairs investigations and this does not necessarily imply guilt.

KAGS has reached out to the Caldwell Police Department and the Burleson County Sheriff's Office to confirm the officer's status and ask for comment on the video. We have not yet heard back. The Texas Rangers are investigating the incident.

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