BRYAN, Texas — Texas A&M's School of Education and Human Development, former Aggie students, and others are partnering up to give donations to students in (CISD) Uvalde Consolidated Independent School District.
Some of the donations will be used for students to attend Aggie STEM Day Camp in the summer. President of Britt Rice Electric, Jeff Blanton, class of ’82, Todd Routh, class of '86, Stephanie Routh, class of '93, and other sponsors will help cover the students’ fees with their summer camps expenses. Todd and Stephanie Rough's donations will help cover the students’ families' stay, while their students attend Aggie STEM Day camp. Blanton's donations will help students attend Aggie STEM Residential.
The Aggie STEM Summer Camps (ASSC) is a summer program for students to receive experiences in Science, Technology, Engineering and Math. According to ASSC officials, ten students will get a chance to attend a variety of non-credit STEM classes.
Texas A&M officials said the students will have lodging available and meals will be provided by C&J Barbecue. Some of the students' families have already started accepting the offer.
On May 24, Robb Elementary had a gunman open fire in the school and killed 19 students and two teachers. The student's ages ranged from 9 to 11. The teachers' ages were 48 and 44.
Dr. Michael A. de Miranda, Dean of the School of Education and Human Development said, “This combined effort exemplifies the Aggie spirit of stepping up to help others in their time of need. We hope to provide a bright light in a moment of darkness for these students and their families."