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Aggieland Humane Society adopts Canine Good Citizen

Aggieland Humane teaches their ready-to-adopt dogs how to interact well in social environments.


Aggieland Humane Society has recently adopted the program Canine Good Citizen. CGC is an obedience training that teaches dogs to interact well with other people and dogs in social environments.

 Every Thursday, Aggieland Humane takes between one and six of their ready-to-adopt pups to a different location where they can put their training to the test. After three trial months, three dogs have been adopted so far, and with more events to come, the future looks bright for these adorable future adoptees. 

The pups are hard to miss with their cute orange vests with the words “Adopt Me” in black bold font. If you ever see them around Bryan/College Station, take some time to pet them and talk to the Aggieland Hume volunteers. You could potentially be these lovable canines’ next forever home.

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