COLLEGE STATION, Texas — The United Way of the Brazos Valley is hosting their second drive-thru mask distribution in College Station on Wednesday, Jul. 15, from 7:00 a.m. to 9:00 a.m.
About 11,000 face masks will be distributed, including surgical masks and N95 masks while supplies last. They will be distributed in bundles of five, with one face mask bundle per car.
Mask bundles can be picked up at Veterans Park, 1301 Harvey Rd., College Station, TX 77802. You are asked to enter on Veterans Parkway from University Drive, and you can then exit on Harvey Road.
There is no cost, registration or ID required to get a free face mask bundle, and you don't need to get out of your car to receive one.
The masks were donated by Brazos County Emergency Management and Lowe’s Home Improvement.