BRAZOS COUNTY, Texas — With more eligibility expanding in Texas to the COVID-19 vaccine, volunteers at vaccination sites are becoming more and more crucial. The Brazos County Vaccination Taskforce is grateful for those who are helping keep the community safe.
It was Aloha Friday at the Brazos Center Vaccine HUB.
A.J. Renold, the Executive Director of the American Red Cross Heart of Texas Chapter said they decided to do a tropical-themed day so the volunteers and staff can have a little bit of fun at the end of the week. After long hours each week it is needed.
Renold said over 25 volunteers have already donated over 100 hours of their time.
Some volunteers at the HUB are donating eight to ten hours of their time almost every day. Renold said it is something she’s never seen before.
“The volunteers giving their time, from multiple organizations...I just have a big heartfelt thank you to make it happen,” Renold said. “Because Red Cross is leading the management of volunteers and supervision and everything, but the volunteers that show up every day are from all over the place.”
Second-time volunteer Selena Le said she returned to volunteer again because not only is she helping her community, but it’s also giving her an opportunity to get out of her house and meet people safely.
“I feel grateful for this opportunity because seeing their faces light up and knowing there’s hope in this world again, it’s just a grateful feeling.”
Most people in the world have suffered devastating impacts from COVID-19.
Veteran volunteer Larry Huwe said helping people get vaccinated means a lot to him as he and the College Station Noon Lions Club lost a long-time member to the virus just a few weeks ago.
“I just feel like if he had the vaccine he probably would’ve survived,” Huwe said. “Personally, I know everybody has some family or friend impact so to be able to give back and do our part and to get as many people through to get them vaccinated.”
Renold said it’s not easy to do this work but it’s very fulfilling and she is grateful to all the volunteers that are showing up and donating their time.
The Red Cross will also be running a walk-up HUB at the American Legion on Waco Street ON Saturday morning from 9 A.M to 11 A.M.
There will be 160 doses of the Moderna vaccine with 40 volunteers ready to help.
This walk-up hub will be open to anyone.
People must bring a form of ID. The walk-up HUB will remain open until all 160 vaccines have been administered.