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Sylvan learning center looks to help students falling behind academically in 2023

After the COVID pandemic caused a huge learning loss among kids, tutors believing this is the year to recuperate the learning loss of reading and math skills.

BRYAN, Texas — From hybrid learning, virtual, mask mandates, and classes being in person then schools closing. Now, all schools back to the classroom ready to start the new year.

With so many challenges the industry faced because of the global pandemic, learning experts are looking to 2023 to be a year of redemption for those who have fallen behind.

Jenny Nelson, the owner of Sylvan Learning Center in Bryan, shared that the learning gap is affecting fundamental skills for children, like reading & math.

"It's a good time right now for parents to look and see if their kids are struggling to go and get them in to help them get caught up before the end of the year," said Nelson.

She said this applies to a wide range of kids: from those who struggle, to those looking for an academic challenge. However, the work has to start at home, according to Nelson.

"Always try to read a book. Practice your spelling words. If you're in the car driving, flashcards or find the app on the phone where they need to learn their addition," said Nelson.

The focus this year for those behind is getting them back on track after learning gaps caused by the global crisis. At Sylvan, they offer a number of exercises for very child alongside a designated tablet which shows how they're progressing through their material. 

Nelson wants parents to be proactive this year so their child won't fall behind after such an unexpected learning gap before things become too difficult to bring your child back up to speed.

"The sooner you get them in and the sooner you start to giving them some help, the sooner they're gonna catch up," said Nelson.

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