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Former College View High School secretary arrested for stealing over $28,000

Audrea Constancio, 55, worked as a secretary to the principal of College View High School from 2017 to 2023.
Credit: Brazos County Jail records
Audrea Constancio was arrested by College Station Police after she allegedly stole money from College Station ISD when she worked for the district.

COLLEGE STATION, Texas — A former College Station ISD employee has been arrested on fraud charges that state she stole over $28,000 in school funds during her time with the district.

According to a police report, former College View High School secretary to the principal Audrea Constancio secretly stole the money during her time with the district from November 2017 to January 2023. About a month after she resigned, CSISD representatives notified police that multiple thousands of dollars were missing from a fundraising account for the school.

An investigation later revealed that documents that Constancio handled were mishandled and were put into boxes that contained contents to be shredded. It was later revealed that $28,494.25 was missing in total.

Constancio was later questioned by College Station Police about her involvement. She lied about what she had done to CSPD, but later admitted to taking "at least $8,000 in cash" from College View's game day parking lot fundraiser, where the school offers parking spots at Texas A&M football games to raise money for student activities. 

Constancio also said that she had hoped to pay the money back "but was never able to." 

The money she pocketed went into her bank account, according to the police report.

She has been charged with Theft of Property and Misapplication of Fiduciary Property or Property of a Financial Institution. The former charge is a misdemeanor, while the latter is a felony. According to jail records, she was booked into jail and released on bond on Tuesday, Sept. 19.

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