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The Salvation Army gears up for the holidays through their Red Kettle and Angel Tree projects

The Salvation Army is preparing to help low-income families celebrate the holidays through gifts and monetary donations.

COLLEGE STATION, Texas — As many are getting into the holiday spirit, The Salvation Army is gearing up to help families in need this holiday season with their Angel Tree and Red Kettle campaigns.

“The Angel Tree is a program to help families, especially during this time of Christmas, like low-income families, that need us the most. So we provide a little hope through a gift to families because sometimes they need to decide, pay the bills, pay the rent or a gift,” Salvation Army BCS Captain, Marianne Villanueva, explained.

Villanueva described the places to find these trees, “So, the tree is gonna be involved in different places. The first place that you can go find the Angel Tree, is the mall. We're gonna be starting November 13. We're gonna be in the mall until December 8th.”

With the specific locations varying across Central Texas malls and businesses, The Salvation Army wants families to come together to uplift each other by buying gifts for families or with monetary donations.

“We want to tell them that, like I said, there is a god that also loves them, and maybe it's through a gift. Maybe it's through a volunteer, through the time when they prepare the gift for these kids,” Villanueva said.

The money from the Red Kettle campaigns will go directly to hundreds of families in the community.

Captain Luis Villanueva, who is spearheading the Red Kettle campaign, listed all the areas the money raised will impact, “We have pathway home, which is breaking the cycle of poverty. We help with rent and utilities. We also help with the food pantry. It also helps in the clothing closet.”

To adopt an angle or donate to their Red Kettle campaign just head over to their website

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